Ingredients for 4 people
400 g 00 flour
4 eggs
400 g Porcini Mushrooms or a mix of mushrooms with Porcini
100 g Vegetable stock
50 g Extra virgin olive oil
1 clove of garlic
Salt and pepper q.s.
Put the flour on the pastry board and forming a fountain and use the fingers to create a hole. Dust with a pinch of salt, open the eggs and put them in the centre of the hole. Beat the eggs with the fork in a light way to mix the yolks with the whites.
After this, start to incorporate the flour little by little. Then work the dough - still grainy – with the hands until when the flour will be incorporated. After 10 minutes the dough should be homogeneous. Form a ball, put it in the wrap and let it rest for 30 minutes. Take a part of the dough and create a regular ball, squash it in a round shape, stretch it out on the pastry board with the flour, with the help of the rolling pin, creating a disc.
Roll the dough in itself and cut strips of 1 cm circa with a knife. Cut the 100 g of Porcini mushrooms in little cubes and brown them in a pan with olive oil and a entire clove of garlic. Then remove the garlic, add the salt and mix the part of the vegetable stock.
Cook in the hot oil also the other mushrooms in little cubes or big slices. Put salt and pepper q.s. Cook the pasta in the water - a little bit of oil in the water so the pasta does not stick - and salt for some minutes.
Drain and season the pasta and sauté it in the pan with the mushrooms, the cream of mushrooms and the rest of vegetable stock. Serve the tagliatelle in the plates with the help of a big fork and a wooden spoon, to form a nest.
Curiosity: This dish comes from the Alta Valle del Tevere, it is simple but very delicious!