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My Easter menu



The Easter cake with cheese , in some areas also called Crescia di Pasqua, Torta di Pasqua, Pizza di Pasqua , torta al formaggio or crescia brusca, is a leavened savory cake typical of many areas of central Italy based on wheat flour, eggs, pecorino and parmesan. Traditionally served at breakfast on Easter morning, or as an appetizer during Easter lunch, it is accompanied by blessed boiled eggs, ciauscolo and red wine or, again, served at the Easter Monday picnic.

According to religious tradition, the pizza di Pasqua should be prepared on Maundy Thursday or Good Friday to be eaten at Easter, following the period of fasting and abstinence dictated by Lent. Once ready, it was customary to bring the pizza di Pasqua to the church, so that it would be blessed together with the other foods to be consumed on Easter day.

Ingredients for 2 cakes

8 eggs

800g flour type 0

150g cheese, chopped (not too hard and grumpy)

300g grated cheese (mixed Parmesan and Roman pecorino cheese)

130g lard (including 30 for ungele the toriere)

4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

100g brewer's yeast

1/4 litre of milk


Pour the flour into a baking s well and make a fountain, add the beaten eggs, cheese, salt pepper and oil. Melt 100g of lard and the light in the milk and add them too. Work until the ipasto is out of your hands, then grease with the remaining lard two tall containers and pour the dough, the baking pans will have to be full in half. Leave to rise for an hour and a half in a warm place after covering the pans with a blanket and place a container next to it with hot water. Check the rate of leavening every 20 minutes by lifting an angle on the towel. When the dough has reached the edges of the cupboard placed in the oven hot (be careful not to shake the pans) for 15' to 200 degrees then lower to 180 degrees and cook another 20 minutes. After finishing wait a few minutes before removing the cakes from the oven, then remove them from the cooking tray and place them to cool in a wire rack.

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