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Easter recipes around the world 4CC





To make the simnel cake, start by preparing the dough: put the softened butter in a

large bowl, add the muscovado sugar and work with an electric whisk to mix them.

Add the eggs a little at a time while continuing to beat with the electric whisk until the

mixture is creamy

Mix the powders in a separate bowl: sift the flour with the baking powder, then add

the nutmeg, ginger and cinnamon

Add the powders to the mixture of butter, sugar and eggs and mix everything with an

electric whisk. At this point, add the lemon zest, the raisins

dehydrated red fruits mixed candied fruit and candied cherries

Incorporate the ingredients with a spatula to make the dough homogeneous. Grease

a hinged pan with a diameter of 20 cm and fill it with the mixture obtained, leveling it

on the surface. Bake the cake in a preheated static oven at 170 ° for at least 2 hours,

placing it on the bottom shelf.

Meanwhile, prepare the marzipan: pour the almond flour and icing sugar into a bowl

and mix thoroughly with your hands, then add the bitter almond essence.

Also add the egg whites and work with your hands to mix everything well. Form a loaf

that you can divide directly into two parts, then wrap in plastic wrap and leave to

harden in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

After the baking time of the cake, take it out of the oven and let it cool inside the mold

then turn it out gently and trim the surface using a saw knife. At this point you can

take the marzipan blocks from the refrigerator: sprinkle the worktop with sugar in an

icing and roll out one of the loaves to form a circle with a diameter of 20 cm.

Transfer the cake to a baking tray lined with parchment paper and brush the surface

with some apricot jam that you have previously heated, then lay the marzipan disc on

top. Take the second stick of marzipan and make 11 balls. Brush the marzipan disc

with water where you are going to rest the balls and place them along the edge of the

cake Finally, turn the oven into grill mode and place the cake on the medium shelf for

about 5 minutes, taking care that the marzipan does not burn but only darkens. Your

simnel cake is ready to be served


● Butter at room temperature 250 g

● Muscovado sugar 250 g

● Eggs (about 4) 230 g

● 00 flour 175 g

● Powdered yeast for cakes 16 g

● Raisins 175 g

● Dehydrated berries 175 g

● Candied cherries 70 g

● Mixed candied fruit 50 g

● Lemon zest 1⁄2

● Cinnamon powder 1 g

● Nutmeg powder 1 g

● Ginger powder 1 g


● Almond flour 250 g

● Powdered sugar 250 g

● Egg whites (about 2 medium eggs) 60 g

● Essence of bitter almond 1 tsp


● Butter

● Powdered sugar


● Apricot jam



According to tradition, flaounes are a typical specialty of both Easter and Ramadan: Orthodox Greeks and Turkish Cypriot Muslims share this delicious dish to break and celebrate the end of the Lenten fast. While in the case of Orthodox Christians, flaounes are prepared on Good Friday and then eaten on Easter Sunday, for Muslims they represent one of the typical dishes to be consumed between the beginning and the end of the fasting period.


Manitoba flour 260 g

Milk 150 ml

Butter 30 g

Egg 1

Brewer's yeast 10g

Halloumi cheese 200 g

Pecorino 100 g

Sultanas 100 g

Flour 70 g

Yolk 1


Sesame seeds

1) Dissolve the brewer's yeast in 100 ml of slightly heated. Pour the yeast into the center of the flour and gradually start kneading adding the egg and butter.

2) Form a smooth and homogeneous dough and let it rise covered with a cloth in the oven with the light on for about two hours and, in any case, until it has doubled its volume.

3) Prepare the filling by mixing the two cheeses - previously grated - the yolk, flour, mint and raisins in a bowl. Add a little milk if the mixture is too dry.

4) Roll out the dough on a work surface sprinkled with sesame seeds and divide it into about 8 squares. Fill the center with a spoonful of dough and fold the sides inwards, sealing the pointed edges. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for about 30 minutes.




290 g 00 flour

80 g almond flour

230 g of caster sugar

300 g carrots (without waste)

1 dl seed oil

3 eggs at room temperature

the zest of 1/2 orange

1/2 vanilla pod

1 sachet of baking powder (16 g)

1 pinch of salt

Icing sugar to complete


Peel the carrots using a potato peeler and cut them into chunks. Chop them finely in a


Sift the two flours together with the baking powder into a bowl and add the chopped carrots.

Mix everything together until the mixture is smooth. You can use your hands to make it

easier. This way the carrots will be drier.

In a bowl, whisk the eggs with the caster sugar, salt, vanilla seeds and grated orange zest

until the mixture is frothy and has tripled in volume. Add the mixed powders to the carrots

and mix with the electric whisk at very low speed adding the seed oil in a trickle.

Transfer the mixture into a buttered and floured 22 cm diameter hinged mould and level off.

Bake in the preheated oven at 170° for about 40 minutes, checking the cooking with a

toothpick. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely. Serve the carrot cake

sprinkled with icing sugar.


Mazurek (chocolate almond cake)

The sweet star of the Easter breakfast is mazurek, a tart prepared with a sort of

shortcrust pastry filled with jam and chocolate. The name seems to derive from Mazur

(or Masurian), an ancient tribe of the central Mazovia region, or from the mazurka -

called mazurek in Polish - the typical folkloric dance spread throughout the country.

Always one of the best known and most appreciated Polish sweets, the tart is a perfect

dish to break the Lenten fast thanks to its rich caloric intake (the filling is usually

embellished with dried fruit).



For 6 people:

For the dough:

- 120 g of flour

- 70 g of butter

- 40 g of powdered sugar

- 1 egg

- 1/2 cup of milk

- 1 pinch of salt

For the garnish:

- 40 g of sugar

- 40 g of butter

- 2 egg yolks

- 100 g of bitter cocoa

- A few almonds

Preparation of the dough:

In a salad bowl, mix the softened and chopped butter with the flour and powdered

sugar. Then add the milk, the egg, a pinch of salt and work the dough quickly. Once you

have a smooth and compact dough, let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 220 ° C.

Preparation of the filling: Mix the softened butter, sugar, cocoa and egg yolks. Then

incorporate the flour keeping the dough mixed, so as not to form lumps.

When the pasta has rested in the fridge for 30 minutes, spread it into a mold, prick

the surface with a fork and leave it to cook in white for 15-20 minutes. Check the

cooking frequently to make sure the pasta is well done.

During cooking, prepare the garnish by mixing the ingredients, leaving the almonds

aside. If you prefer, you can also add a spoonful of rum. Pour the garnish over the

pastry base, add the almonds and leave to cool for 1 hour in the refrigerator.

You can also add candied orange peels.


20 minutes



(uova in crosta di pane nero)

Ingredients of the recipe Eggs in a mountain crust

for the crust:

400 gr of potatoes

80 grams of flour

50 ml of light beer

8 slices of speck

30 gr of butter

4 eggs

50 grams of flour

100 gr of breadcrumbs


sweet paprika

salt and pepper

chopped rosemary

For the yogurt sauce:

300 gr of white yogurt

1 bunch of mint

1 bunch of chives

1 clove of garlic

3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

juice of 1/2 lemon

1 shallot

500 gr of baby spinach

1 fuji apple

Procedure of the recipe Eggs in a mountain crust:

Boil the eggs for 3 minutes after boiling, then put them in ice water for 10 minutes.

Finely grate the potatoes with a grater, add the flour, salt, rosemary and finally the

cold beer.

Peel the eggs, pass them in the spiced flour with curry, sweet paprika and salt and coat

them with two slices of crossed speck.

In a small pan melt the butter, put the eggs in the pan to make the speck crisp. Cover

the barded egg with a layer of potato batter, then pass it in the breadcrumbs.

The egg will have the appearance of a meatball. Cook the crusted egg in very hot deep

oil until golden brown. In a blender, add the chopped shallot, a clove of garlic

deprived of the core, the oil and lemon juice.

Blend until you get a homogeneous emulsion. In a bowl, put the yogurt, add the

emulsion, chives, chopped mint and mix until creamy. Cut the apple into cubes with

the peel.

Arrange the baby spinach on a serving plate, sprinkle with the yogurt sauce, add the

diced apple and place the warm crusted eggs on top.

Easter in UK 1CC


Ingredients for the shortcrust pastry:

-250 g of flour

-125 g of butter

-100 g of sugar

-1 egg

-1 sachet of vanillin

-a pinch of salt

Ingredients for the cream:

-300 ml of milk

-2 eggs

-1 yolk

-25 g of sugar

Preparation for shortcrust pastry:

Work the butter with the sugar then add the egg and vanillin.

Once ready create a ball, cover it with plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge for 1 hour.

Once rested, roll out the shortcrust pastry and place it on the cake pan.

Preparation for cream:

Whip the eggs and sugar with the milk.

Filter the cream with a colander.

And finally:

Bake at 180 degrees for 50 minutes.

Roast lamb with mint sauce REBECCA FUMANTI 1C




-fresh rosemary



-oil EVO



Ingredients for mint sauce

-fresh mint


-wine vinegar


Remove the lamb from the fridge 1 hour before you want to cook it, to let it come up to room temperature.

Preheat the oven to 200ºC/400ºF/gas 6 and place a roasting dish for the potatoes on the bottom.

Break the garlic bulb up into cloves, then peel 3, leaving the rest whole. Pick and roughly chop half the rosemary leaves. Peel and halve the potatoes.

Crush the peeled garlic into a bowl, add the chopped rosemary, finely grate in the lemon zest and drizzle in a good lug of oil, then mix together.

Season the lamb with sea salt and black pepper, then drizzle with the marinade and rub all over the meat. Place on the hot bars of the oven above the tray.

Parboil the potatoes in a pan of boiling salted water for 10 minutes, then drain and allow to steam dry. Gently toss the potatoes in the colander to scuff up the edges, then tip back into the pan.

Add the remaining rosemary sprigs and whole garlic cloves to the potatoes, season with salt and pepper, then drizzle over a good lug of oil. Tip the potatoes into the hot tray and place back under the lamb to catch all the lovely juices.

Cook the lamb for 1 hour 15 minutes if you want it pink, or 1 hour 30 minutes if you like it more well done.

Meanwhile, make the mint sauce. Pick and finely chop the mint leaves, then place in a small bowl. Mix in the sugar, a good pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon of hot water and the vinegar.

When the lamb is cooked to your liking, remove from the oven and leave to rest for 15 minutes or so. Carve and serve with the roast potatoes, mint sauce and some seasonal greens.

simnel cake



flour 175g

eggs 3

ginger a spoon

candied fruit 80g

apricot jam q.p


Brown sugar 175g

Sodium bicarbonate a spoon

Baking powder 2 tbsp

Lime, zest


Butter 175g

Cinnamon spoon

Raisins q.p


1 Work the brown sugar and the softened butter with the whisk until you get a

soft cream, then add the eggs one by one, always working the dough well.

2 Add the flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, ginger and a pinch of

salt, always mixing all the ingredients well. Finally add the soaked and

squeezed raisins, the candied fruit and the grated lime zest

3 Pour half of the dough into a floured mold, covering it with a third of the

almond paste. Then pour the other half of the dough over it, also covering this

with a third of the almond paste. Bake the cake in a preheated oven at 180

degrees for 100 minutes

4When it is cold, brush the top with apricot jam and decorate with the eleven

eggs made with the last third of the almond paste. Finally put it in the oven in

hot grill mode for about 4 minutes

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